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Program improves access to clean and safe drinking water in the targeted areas, rehabilitation of wells where It has implemented 5600 latrines till now and promotes personal hygiene by distributing hygiene kits, and hygiene promotion campaigns.


To contribute to improved access to clean water in the targeted areas through digging/ constructing/rehabilitating water sources and enhancing sanitation services by promoting personal hygiene distributing hygiene kits, and conducting hygiene promotion campaigns.




  • Rehabilitating water wells/boreholes.
  • Constructing/ Rehabilitating latrines.
  • Hygiene promotion and hygiene kits distribution.
  • Community-led cleaning campaign/ solid waste management.
  • Capacity building of cleaning fund


Building latrines

ADO has built 5,600 latrines for the displaced in the hosting sites so far. These latrines were built to protect the dignity of the IDPs. ADO has also rehabilitated the sanitation service in those areas to avoid any environmental disasters including a new outbreak of cholera.

Rehabilitating wells

Rehabilitating wells is one of the most important measures that have been taken to mitigate and eliminate the spread of cholera as it increases people’s access to clean water in sufficient quantity, especially for those in the most affected areas


ADO main focus, in the areas of its interventions, is on largely promoting hygiene sensitizing activities by instilling the principle of hygiene in the minds of the beneficiaries while distributing hygiene kits. Therefore, ADO dual role is being achieved; beneficiaries are provided with the hygiene kits, and become aware of how the water is purified in practice so that they would apply the same at home

ADO Has More Activities

- Strengthening Institutional and Economic Resilience in Yemen (SIERY) 2023

Supply & Install internal water network for Al Aman city in Najra district, Hajja governorate

Emergency WASH intervention

Emergency WASH intervention for internal displaced families in Yemen, Hajjah; Funded by the DKH

Al Malakha site

Emergency WASH response for the new IDPs in Hajjah (Abs districts) Paramater3; Funded by UNOCHA/ YHF


2017 - 2018
Abs and Hayran

Integrated health, WASH and shelter response for vulnerable IDPs in Hajjah (Abs and Hayran); Funded by UNOCHA/YHF

2017 - 2018
Emergency health and WASH response for vulnerable population in Hajjah and Al Hudaidah; Funded by UNOCHA/ YHF

Emergency health and WASH response for vulnerable population in Hajjah and Al Hudaidah; Funded by UNOCHA/ YHF

400 latrines

Construction of 400 latrines




Food Security

Food Security represents insuring food security of the needy through addressing, in particular, the needs of those exposed to the danger of looming famine who lack the ability to secure food for their next day. Depending on a market assessment, they would be provided with suitable assistance (in-kind, food baskets, cash, or vouchers)


Fighting hunger by providing food assistance to the most vulnerable people is a temporary and unsecured solution, so ADO always seeks to obtain sustainable development projects that support the livelihood of the affected population and lowest income people in the community. One of the most important of these projects is the fish farming project that ADO is currently implementing with the aim to establish several development facilities for fish farming along the Red Sea coast in Al Mukha and Al Khoukha districts. The project targets individuals from families eligible to work in those fish farming development facilities so that they will become their sustainable source of income. In addition, investment in the field of fish farming will promote the country sustainable development in general


To restore the food security of those who have lost it by distributing minimum food baskets and providing livelihood inputs.


• Provide food assistance either by distributing food baskets, vouchers, or cash.
• Provide an income-generating source.



2021 - 2023
Improvement of Food Security and Livelihoods

Increasing Resilience through Innovative and Sustainable Improvement of Food Security and Livelihoods for Returnees, IDPs and Host Communities in the Western Coastal areas of Yemen; Donors: BMZ/DKH.

local resilience

Promoting local resilience and participation in Yemen (SRPL); Donor: GIZ

Humanitarian Response

Humanitarian Response for displaced and conflict affected host communities; Donor: Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe (DKH)

Livelihood support

Provide Livelihood support for highly vulnerable families in Aldahi district- AL-Hodeidah Governorate; Donor: UNOCHA/YHF

2018 - 2019
Addressing malnutrition

Addressing malnutrition, food security and cholera in Yemen; Donor: ZOA

2018 - 2019
emergency- livelihood inputs

provision of services for distribution of emergency- livelihood inputs for the most vulnerable people in hajja; Donor: FAO

Food assistance

Provision of Food assistance to the vulnerable families at AL-Mighlaf district of AL-Hodeidah Governorate; Donor: UNOCHA/YHF




The program is divided into two sub-programs Targeted Supplementary Feeding Program (TSFP) and Blanket Supplementary Feeding Program (BSFP). The TSFP targets those who have Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM), while the BSFP is protective to prevent woman and children in areas with high number of MAM and SAM from malnutrition.


The goal

To contribute in reducing the impact and severity of malnutritional among moderately acute malnutrition children under 5 years and pregnant and lactating women and protecting children under 2 years and pregnant and lactating women from malnutrition.


The methodology

  • Provide nutrition commodities to children under 5 and pregnant and lactating women with Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM) symptoms in a treatment program until they get cured
  • Provide nutrition commodities for pregnant and lactating women and children under 2 years old endangered to get malnutrition in the preventive program


2016 - 2023
Provision of nutrition assistance to the affected communities

Emergency Nutrition Response f NFI and Distribution for Acutely Malnourished Children 6-59 Months and Pregnant And Lactating Mothers of districts (Al Qanawis, Al Mighlaf, As Salif, Bura, Al Ja'fariyyah, Al Jabin, As, Salafiyyah, Kusmah, Mazhar) in Al-Hudaida and Rayma.

 Donor: WFP

Provision of nutrition assistance to the affected communities

Provision of NFI and Distribution of districts (Al Qanawis, Al Mighlaf, As Salif, Bura, Al Ja'fariyyah, Al Jabin, As, Salafiyyah, Kusmah, Mazhar) in Al-Hudaida and Rayma, Donor: WFP 

2018 - 2019
Addressing malnutrition , food security and cholera in Yemen

Addressing malnutrition, food security and cholera in Yemen in Hodeidah ( 7,000 BNFs) for 6 months
Donor: ZOA

Urgent action -Reduction in Bura’a district

Urgent action for malnutrition reduction in Bura’a district of AL-Hodeidah Governorate; Donor: UNOCHA/YHF
Nutrition response assistance for affected people in Al-Hodeida governorate (Al-Mighlaf, Al-Qanawis, and Bura’a districts of AL-Hodeidah Governorate; Donor: UNOCHA/YHF




ADO works to prevent, reduce, mitigate and respond to protection threats, especially towards those communities affected by displacement, conflict and/ or vulnerable groups in Yemen. It has established the protection programme based on three main pillars: Child protection, gender-based violence (which is specific to Gender & Development Sector), and general Protection


Child Protection:

It aims to protect children from being victims or turning violent through recreational activities at friendly spaces, case management, and referrals of unaccompanied children, early marriage  victims, and war- injured children



The Gender-Based Violence is a self-funded Protection project implemented by ADO to protect women victims from domestic violence by providing them with the required legal and/or financial assistance.


General Protection:

General protection is a self-funded project where the most vulnerable IDPs and host community members receive financial aid to reduce the impact of war.


It aims to protect the most vulnerable members of the  society from being victims or criminals as a result of polarization and lack of opportunities.


  • Provide children friendly spaces.
  • Provide case management services for victims of early mirage and child abuse.
  • Provide women social and financial empowerment grants and capacity building.
  • Provide legal or financial assistance for women victims of Gender Based Violence (GBV).
  • Provide case referral for disabled children victims of the current conflict.
  • Provide financial assistance for vulnerable households.


2022 - 2023
Strengthening Institutional and Economic Resilience in Yemen

Scale-up first line and second-line WASH assistance in displacement areas by providing access to water and basic sanitation and hygiene services, reducing outbreaks of cholera and infectious diseases

Doner: DKH
2022 - 2023
16 days of activism against gender based violence

Conducting GBV awareness sessions, provision of cash for operational cost to Al Shafaqa Foundation, distribution of UCA, conducting a case study on GBV survivors of (Al Wehdah, Al Mina, Al Jabin, Al Makha) in Sanaa_City, Al_Hodeidah, Raymah, Taiz

2018 - 2019
Protection of children from violence

Protection of children from violence, abuse, exploitation and neglect through provision of psychosocial support for children in communities in Hajjah.


2017 - 2018
food and child protection

Integrated services of food and child protection services for IDPs in Hajjah (Abs district); Funded by the UNOCHA/ YHF

Protection of children

Establish friendly spaces (safe for children) and training volunteers in the fields of psychological and social support to hold psychological relief sessions for children psychologically affected by the impact of the war.


2016 - 2017
protective environment

Ensuring a protective environment for boys and girls affected by armed conflict in Hajjah and Al Hudaidah; Funded by the DRC

2016 - 2017
life-saving assistance

Provision of life-saving assistance for /gender-based violence survivors and children survivors in Al Hudaidah and Hajjah; Funded by the UNOCHA/YHF


If you teach a child, you teach an individual, if you teach a girl, you teach a nation -
Contributing to achieving education for all and narrowing the gender gap in education.
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of the founding of the Abs Development Organization, education has been the main concern of this organization . It has an impact and a role in reducing poverty and promoting human development. Therefore, it was necessary for the organization to address this social disease, which is ignorance, and tried to develop a good and effective drug formula . It can achieve its general objectives in this field. 

According to strategic plans, the steps of its movements were drawn according to a map with clear features and colors .   

The vision of the Abs Development Organization was to contribute to the support of education and to carry out the role that it chose for itself in the field of its humanitarian work within the framework of The national strategy for the development of basic education and the declared global goals regarding education, based on the well-known rule ((Education for everyone ) . The Abs Development Organization took upon itself the task of education and wanted it to have a clear and visible impact . I have focused On the places most deprived of education is not according to the whims of a person or a tribe, but it is organized into study tools , analysis and arrangement of needs and priorities in order to enable them to have a good view . It was the smile that accompanies the cadres of the organization wherever they go and wherever they go, and their mouths drip with martyrdom . B love the underprivileged. She extended her hand to the white youth, without harm, to the rural women, to instill in them the hope of liberation from the shackles of ignorance and backwardness, so that the rural woman, like her peers, would have the right to education, and she could eradicate her illiteracy, and thereby achieve her strategic goal by achieving her general goals.



Strategic Objectives:

Contribute to achieving education for all and narrowing the gender gap in education.

 The Methodology:

  • Building schools.
  • Rehabilitating schools.
  • Distributing school uniforms.
  • Distributing school meals.
  • Providing financial support for literacy centers.
  • Teaching illiterate using reflect methodology.

Objectives :


1.    Reducing gender disparity in basic education

2.    Increasing enrollment rates in literacy centers among women and youth.

3.    Promote early childhood development

4.    Promote a holistic approach to educational development and community participation.

5.    Providing high quality professional educational services using early childhood development methodology

6.    Defending the rights of women and children to education

7.    Develop personal and life skills for women and youth. 


Distribution of school bags for primary school students

Educating young persons who have not continued their education, with a focus on the Muhamasheen of (Abs - Aslam and Khairan Muharraq) in Hajja
Doner: CARE

2020 - 2021
Educational Support for Affected Girls and Boys.

ADO Establishing 30 of temporary learning spaces and retabulating 48 of damaged schools and rehabilitating 22 of WASH facilities and establishing 3 of WASH facilities in the Targeted schools. In order to reduce the overcrowding in the classrooms & WASH facilities among the (IDPs & HHs). in Abs and Mastaba districts in Hajjah Governorate

Doner: NRC

2014 - 2015
Strengthening Institutional and Economic Resilience in Yemen (SIERY)

This project is designed to enhance the role of local authorities in responding to the needs of vulnerable people in 5 districts in Hajja governorate  (Abs, Hajja city, Najra,, Mustaba and AlMihabisha), nine prioritized projects are identified to be implemented under this project.

 Doner: NRC

2014 - 2015
Empowering rural women to lead society

Leadership training and capacity building support to play an effective role in society for 60 women, and to carry out two annual campaigns in events related to women for (Abs-Zahra and Al-Lahiya) in the governorates of Hodeidah and Hajjah.

Doner: OXFAM

2014 - 2015
Educational Support for Teachers

The Abs Development Organization intervened and distributed teacher bags to 100 teachers in six schools to support teachers with educational materials in the districts of Abs and Mastaba, within the framework of the “Educational Support for Girls and Boys in Hajjah Governorate” project. This project was funded by Education Cannot Wait and supervised by the Norwegian Council for sharing. Teacher Bag Gradebook, Class Management Book, Lesson Book, Pens and Whiteboard Marker. Organizing the distribution of 6223 school bags to students. in Abs and Mastaba districts in Hajjah Governorate

Doner: NRC

Formal Education (primary and secondary)

Based on the goals of the Abs development organization to pay attention to childhood and youth through interest in formal education (primary and secondary) to contribute to the improvement and development of the educational process. Therefore, the organization had a role in supporting many activities, training and qualification programs, and educational services with regard to the governmental formal education staff, in addition to supporting and qualifying a number of Schools and their support with educational equipment and tools, except for those related to the teacher or the student,

Doner: NRC

Providing better economic opportunities for young people - Business Youth Forum

Educating young persons who have not continued their education, with a focus on the Muhamasheen of (Abs - Aslam and Khairan Muharraq) in Hajja
Doner: CARE

ADO Has More Activities

At Hajjah&Hodidah, Doner: Care.

At Hajjah in Abs  district, Doner: OXFAM.

At Hajjah in Abs  district, Doner: Self Fund.

At Hajjah in Abs  district, Doner: Self Fund.

At Hajjah in Abs  district, Doner: SFD.

At Hajjah in Abs  district, Doner: Self Fund. 


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In the health programe, we help the host community and IDPs receive basic primary, secondary and tertiary health care by rehabilitating health centers, establishing semi-fixed and/or mobile health clinics

The goal

To  strengthen accessibility of free high-quality health care by vulnerable population groups to reduce childhood death rates

The methodology

 .Rehabilitation of health centers to improve their ability to serve a larger number of patients and a wide range of diseases

 .Establishing semi-fixed and mobile clinics in the districts that host the displaced

.Supporting health centers with laboratory equipment and medicines

.Carrying out health awareness campaigns

 .Provide integrated primary, secondary, referral, reproductive health and other interventions
